When I started to set up this website and blog, I had a gmail address for it. But the fellow who was putting this together for me noticed something odd: the emails from my KimberlyC account were showing my real name as the sender! This is because of Google+ and adding an account, I guess. I thought it was as simple as logging out of one and into another, but there seems to be a glitch in Google that sort of mashes all the account information together. Even when I went into the settings and specified that it was to show “Kimberly C” as the sender’s name, it would still show my real name at random times.
So, I got an outlook.com email address and thought no more about it.
Until today I sent an email from my primary/real name gmail address. My friend replied “What’s this kimberlycmanchester account? Do you have a new email?” OH DEAR LORD! Even though I’d sent the email from real.name@gmail.com, they were arriving from “kimberlycmanchester@gmail.com!”
I had to delete the entire email account. (So don’t email kimberlycmanchester@gmail.com. It no longer exists.) Which wasn’t easy. Google really wants to keep you from doing that but I finally prevailed. I hope this means that this will never happen again. Luckily I had barely used the account and so there were very few contacts I had to figure out how to transfer over to kimcmanchester@outlook.com. If I ever have to actually delete my primary email address, that will be such a massive pain in the ass that I may just give up using email altogether and become a luddite. I’ll bet luddites wear cool hats.
I warn anyone who has more than one Gmail account, especially those for whom privacy is important, to pay close attention so that this doesn’t happen to them. I don’t know what causes the bug, but Googling the issue did turn up some other people with similar problems. I doubt many of them are escorts, but we can’t be the only people who want totally separate, anonymous email accounts.
(I said, SEO crawler bot thingies, that it can’t only be Escorts in Manchester, or independent escorts, or escorts doing incall in Manchester who want to protect their privacy.)