Most independent escorts will bristle if you ask them to give them a discount. We take it as a personal affront as if our very worth were being weighed and adjusted according to someone else’s criteria. And, to be honest, someone who asks for a discount on rate will often push other boundaries within the booking. As the old saying goes, “If you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to want a glass of milk.”
But, sometimes a discount can make sense in business. Why not reward those who follow my blog? Why not encourage those who think I’m interesting to come and see me?
I have an email subscription form over there on the left-hand side of the page. I am hoping to use it to keep people up-to-date on what I’m doing and where I am. I am often asked to get in touch when I am back in Oxford or Glasgow or the City of London, but I have no system of doing so. It’s simply not acceptable for an escort to text a client out of the blue and so I have never kept a list of contacts.
But I think a non-spammy newsletter – with links to recent blog posts, updates on my tour schedule, the odd raunchy photo and special offers – would be fantastic.
I’m going to keep it fun – because sex is fun. And I’m going to keep it discreet; your email address will never be shared with anyone else. You can unsubscribe at any time. But please give a try!
(This is the personal website of Kimberly C, a mature American Escort who tours London, Oxford, Glasgow, and other British cities.)